Welcome to Fairfield Transport Ltd
Your Dunedin Crane Truck Specialists
When you choose Fairfield Transport, you can be rest assured that you’re selecting a local crew with a track record of excellence. The team at Fairfield Transport comprises some of the best crane truck operators in New Zealand, and they utilise top-notch equipment to ensure your project’s success.
Whatever your South Island lifting or shifting needs may be, Fairfield Transport is here to provide you with the best possible service, tailored to your specific requirements, all over the lower South Island and beyond.
Rain or shine, sleet or snow; Fairfield Transport Ltd won't be stopped by bad weather - our work is always top notch, and on time, no matter what Mother Nature throws at us.
Fairfield Transport Ltd has been a Dunedin family business since 1954, so you're always getting personal, local, expert knowledge.
We pride ourselves on offering the best possible solutions to our customers' needs: we guarantee efficient service, customised to your requirements.
Our services include but are not limited to:
Transport: Local and Afar
Crane Truck Hire
Trombone and Low-Bed Trailer
Over Sized Loads With Pilot supplied
Fly Jib
Tandem Lift
Man Cage, Man Bucket, and Lifting Platform

About Us
Fairfield Transport was established 70 years ago by the original owner, Robert (Bob) Melrose. John Melrose (present owner and Bob's son) took the reins when he was 21. John has grown the Fairfield Transport fleet from one truck to over 15 trucks.
Fairfield Transport has a variety of Crane sizes ranging from the smallest, PK20 to the largest PK65 with a team of specialty truck operators. This has made Fairfield Transport a go to choice for individuals and businesses in need of reliable Crane services throughout Dunedin and beyond.
21-23 Sturdee Street
Dunedin 9016
Phone: +64 3-477 1999
Email: fairfield.trans@xtra.co.nz